We Need to Change the Way We Think 凤凰体育买球 ESL Students
在我们这个不断变化的世界里, 还有一些事情需要改变, 还有:我们对一些学生的看法. You can just look around and see that our public school classrooms are transforming into diverse spaces, 在那里,丰富的文化已经成为常态. 在这个不断变化的环境中, many of us have thought of English as a Second Language (ESL) 学生 as obstacles we must overcome, 作为年轻人,我们必须找到补救的方法.
I believe we must have a paradigm shift in that kind of thinking. We must see such 学生 more for the exceptional range of 技能, 经历, 以及他们给我们学校带来的观点, and embrace them as the invaluable assets they re所有y are. Such a shift would not only promote inclusivity; it would enhance the learning environment for 所有 学生.
As an ESL teacher, I’ve witnessed the power of this change in perspective. I’ve seen my 学生 make significant contributions to classrooms and school communities by sharing their cultural backgrounds and perspectives. 只要在那里, they expose native English-speaking 学生 to different customs, 传统, 以及全球问题, 培养文化敏感性, 同理心, 以及对多样性的欣赏.
几年前, I had the privilege of witnessing an ESL student of mine share her stories of celebrating Diwali, 印度的灯节, 在她的祖国. 通过她生动的描述和解释, she provided authentic and engaging insight into Indian culture. Her storytelling deepened her classmates’ understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of 传统 worldwide. Moreover, during social studies lessons, she became a valuable resource for exploring global issues. 她对环境保护的独特看法, influenced by her community’s efforts 在她的祖国, broadened classmates’ awareness of the interconnectedness of these ch所有enges. 促进文化交流, ESL 学生 become catalysts for nurturing global citizens equipped with the 技能 necessary to navigate an interconnected world.
ESL 学生 can also share their unique set of language and communication 技能. 通常是双语或多语的, 它们可以作为语言模型, assisting their peers in learning new words and phrases, while providing authentic examples of diverse communication styles. 例如, during a group activity focused on vocabulary expansion, one of my ESL 学生 took the initiative to share her knowledge of Spanish vocabulary related to the topic. She provided explanations of Spanish equivalents for certain words and offered examples of their usage in different contexts. She introduced idioms and expressions commonly used in Spanish-speaking cultures, 扩大她的同龄人对语言细微差别的认识. This collaborative learning approach not only enhances language development but also encourages mutual respect and cooperation among 学生.
Extensive research demonstrates that bilingualism or multilingualism offers numerous cognitive benefits. ESL 学生 often display enhanced problem-solving abilities, 提高创造力, 以及更好的批判性思维能力. Recognizing these cognitive abilities shifts the focus from remediation to empowerment, 使ESL学生在学术上茁壮成长. Many of my 学生 have incorporated elements from their native language and cultural background into artwork, infusing their work with a sense of authenticity and diversity. This helps inspire classmates to think outside the box and explore their own artistic potential, as well as supporting an environment that values individual expression and cultural diversity.
Embracing ESL 学生 as assets means building cultural competence in our classrooms, including the ability to communicate effectively and respectfully with individuals from diverse backgrounds. This skill set is increasingly crucial in our globalized world, 跨文化合作是常态的地方. Having ESL 学生 in the classroom helps prepare everyone there for a future that will demand cultural understanding and adaptability.
ESL 学生 also bring their histories: 经历 of living in different countries, 遇到不同的教育体系, 面对着独特的挑战. Sharing stories is an excellent way to learn and broaden perspectives. Understanding different viewpoints encourages 同理心 and compassion, helping 学生 develop a sense of social responsibility. 在讨论地理位置时, one of my 学生 eagerly shared her 经历 of participating in traditional ceremonies and adapting to new cultural norms. Her vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes transported her classmates to places they have never been and exposed them to customs and 传统 they may not have encountered had it not been for her presence in our classroom.
Viewing ESL 学生 as assets encourages moving from a teacher-centered approach to a student-centered one. 教师成为学习的促进者, and 学生 take on a more active role in their educational journey. By creating opportunities for ESL 学生 to share their knowledge, 技能, 和经验, 互学互鉴,共同成长. 这赋予了ESL学生权力, 增强他们的信心, and provides them with a sense of belonging in their (perhaps) new educational community.
Young people from faraway lands or different cultures aren’t obstacles in our classrooms—they’re valuable assets and should be celebrated as such. 这样做的时候, 我们表明我们重视文化多样性, 跨文化能力, 同理心, 以及全球意识. 我们提供帮助 所有 我们的学生茁壮成长.
帕克, a member of the Manassas City Education Association and Virginia’s 2023 Teacher of the Year, 教英语作为第二语言的学生 奥斯本高中.